Hi there. I'm Sierra Murphy, owner of Twinkle.
I believe there is nothing better than being a part of and supporting your community 

As a kid, I was so excited to go to school and be a part of the community. It's where I met my lifelong friends. It's where I discovered I loved art and learning.  It was always a safe place for me where I could cultivate my interests and be surrounded by different and amazing people. I just always loved it.

As I became older, I embraced groups and sports. I was a cheerleader, president of my class, pledge educator of my sorority. I joined committees, community service, prom, yearbook... I studied literature and art, and became a graphic designer. 

The day that I graduated from Art School was the end of school for me, but not the end of my involvement. I joined my Civic Association and began to help.  I became Publicity Chair, then Co-president. During this time, I became a wife and a mother and began volunteering at my children's schools... fundraising committees, homeroom mom and lunch monitor.  

When it came time to go back to work, it's not surprising this is where I landed. Twinkle takes my life's work and focuses on all the things I deem important.  Twinkle is community forward, spirit focused and an investment in our organizations.  I truly believe in the spirit of our communities. And if you will let me, I promise to make your spirit shine.